Thursday, September 22, 2011

What if?                                                                                                               September   2011
What if Jesus really meant exactly what he said when he spoke the words, “I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.”
What a novel idea.  The idea that Jesus would actually speak clearly and distinctly concerning the topic of linage.  Why is this so hard to comprehend?  Why does the very nature of this thought scare everyone into denial?
Large segments of our population would rather believe the ridiculous notion of man evolving from a disorganized state to the complex human form in which he now resides, then the more logical possibility that man actually started as a complex human form and is evolving, as is dictated by the law of entropy, towards a disorganized state.
What if the Father of whom Jesus is speaking, is that same being that began all life here on the earth?  That would mean that we actually know the name of this being.  For we are told the name of the father of all living in the same book that we learn of his son, or at least the prophet Isaiah’s declaration of the coming of his son.
This would put the ‘alien visitors from space’ believers in a more favorable light.  The odds are better for their beliefs than the masses that insist on clinging to the notion of evolution.
Oh the doors that open when you free your prejudicial mind.  Adam is our father by the very context of the Old Testament.  If the Old Testament is to be believed.  Some historical flaws seem to exist, and need reconciliation with geological reality.  But that will all be worked out in due time.  Kind of like you in spirit form, after being torn from your body by death, looking around and saying “well that explains a lot of things!”
And this notion that Adam was organized as a man made out of clay and sprinkled with magic dust?  That would definitely be the simple version for a simple mind.  Someone definitely didn’t think that we could handle the truth; and reading what people write on the subject of God and man, leads me to agree.
By the very nature of life, Adam would have a father.  Whoa!  Hold on!  Stop opening doors!
The truth is, what we know is less than what we don’t know.  Considerably less.  But at least Jesus was speaking clearly and distinctly, pointing us in the right direction.  That is if you have the courage to listen, and proceed in the direction he is pointing.